
First Letters with Valerie

Hey, would you look at that? My first PenPal of 2024 is Valerie from Micro.blog!

Although we missed the first week of March, I’m happy to say that Valerie and I got things on track this weekend and kicked off our month of being PenPals. Valerie is living and working in Kyrgyzstan, which I’m eager to learn about (and hope I’ll be able to confidently spell by the end of March)!

Our first exchanges touch on — what else between strangers? — the weather, and also our interests in outdoor pursuits.

You can read along with our conversation this month here, and check out Valerie’s site here. (I see in her bio that she mentions harboring an interest in Pokémon… I’m excited to explore that!)


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7 Things This Week [#135] March 10, 2024

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The whole Apple vs. DMA thing has me feeling unenthusiastic, and it could have been so much better March 12, 2024