

Honestly, the fact that you’re here reading my site is plenty on its own. But if you do want to support me monetarily, you’re welcome to buy me a coffee. (I don’t actually drink coffee, but I do love hot chocolate and beer!)

This site is a proud member of the One a Month Club, meaning you can get access to everything I do online for as little as $1 per month. If you love what I do a whole lot and want to see it continue long into the future, consider joining at dingus.club. You’ll get your name on this very internet webpage!


Sometimes I get a wild hare and spin up some apparel and phone case designs that you can buy (including HeyDingus-branded stuff). I get a small kickback if you purchase any of them from my storefront. I hope you like them!

Some links to stuff and services on this site are affiliate links. By using them to shop, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Win-win! I only create affiliate links to things that I enjoy. Thanks in advance!

I also recommend a few products and services and you can actually save some money by using my link. Find those at /save.


Big love to these generous folks who have joined my $1 a month Dingus Club. They make my dreams come true. 🫶

Lou Plummer (amerpie.lol, RSS) 🥇

Marco F. (esamecar.net, RSS)

Pratik (microblog.pratikmhatre.com, RSS)

Phil Hartman

Robert Silvernail (ultrasexybeast.net, RSS)

Leon Mika (leonmika.com, RSS)

Floh Gro (flohgro.com, RSS)

Eric Walker (ericmwalk.blog, RSS)


This isn’t a one-way street. I enjoy contributing to other people’s projects that I love too! Here’s who I’m supporting with my cash in addition to my attention.


Greg Morris (site | support)

Keenan (site | support)

Kev Quirk (site | support)

MacStories (site | support)

Manuel Moreale (site | support)

Matt Birchler (site | support)

Numeric Citizen (site | support)

Ratika Deshpande (site | support)

Robb Knight (site | support)

Six Colors site | support

Steve Ledlow (site | support)


Accidental Tech Podcast (site | support)

Clockwise Podcast (site | support)

Connected Podcast (site | support)

The Dirtbag Diaries Podcast (site | support)

Hemispheric Views Podcast (site | support)

Mac Power Users Podcast (site | support)

Reconcilable Differences Podcast (site | support)

Relay FM Podcast Network (site | support)

Upgrade Podcast (site | support


Miranda Goes Outside!! (site | support)

FWIW, in this instance, I consider supporting” to be when it’s optional. As in, I could read these sites or listen to these podcasts without paying anything. I might get a little more by contributing, but it’s as much about showing my appreciation as it is about the extras. It’s a little different than just buying something — at least in my book.