

  • Finally applied the site’s new layout with a sidebar to all the pages, including the homepage
  • Cleaned up the HTML/Mustache templates to make better use of reusable code snippets for head.html, header.html, nav.html, sidebar.html, and footer.html
  • Finished applying the correct semantic structure using proper HTML elements to the rest fo the site’s pages
  • Archived copies of the old CSS stylesheet and HTML templates to refer back to in the future
  • Fixed footnote references and back icons to use the blue link color but without underlines
  • Now I can finish adjusting the CSS and know it’ll apply everywhere 🥳


  • Updated the semantic structure including changing some classes like .header, .main, and .entry to use the proper <header>, <main>, and <article> elements


  • Did some behind-the-scenes work on the structure of the header to prepare the way for bigger changes to come
  • Worked on the makeup of buttons around the site so that they are fully clickable as a hyperlink, not just the text portion (involved swapping from <button> elements to <a> elements styled as buttons)


  • Added a More” link in the nav menu to scroll down to the additional links in the footer
  • Updated the style of those links in the footer
  • Added scroll-behavior: smooth; to my CSS to enable smooth scrolling for anchor links within a page
  • Prettied up navigation menus with / mark delimiters and added color to the one in the header, including on hover (example) (inspiration)
  • Spruced up the /feeds page with a better list of links where you can follow me


  • Introduced an aside element for meta comments in blog posts (example) (inspired by Matt Birchler)
  • Added a Carbon ad spot at the bottom of the footer until I can design a better spot for it
  • Improved the styling of the Carbon ad and other footer items


  • Remade the rainbow gradient border effect for blockquotes using border-image instead of background-image for clarity in the code
  • Updated button style with better spacing, a box-shadow, and transition effect so it’s more fun to press (Inspired by Kev Quirk) (example)
  • Updated the style of .did_select class for Tinylytics buttons so that it’s more clear when you’ve already pressed the button and can’t press it again (example)
  • Wrapped blog post tags on the homepage in a p tag so that they don’t get on the same line as other content sometimes
  • Cleaned up the styling of code blocks so they are more readable and don’t crowd other text
  • Adjusted the border style, padding, and margins around entries in the Shortcut Library to be less heavy and overwhelming


  • Updated width and height for the site’s logo and Leave a Tip’ images to display better when viewed without CSS
  • Updated style of this /changelog page with bullets for each entry and horizontal rules between them
  • Reverted from /title”-style page titles back to regular Title”
  • Swapped out Blot’s native search bar for one from DuckDuckGo
  • Updated the error page’s text and added a link to /random on archive pages
  • Added brackets to footnote references, and removed the weird highlight effect when hovering over them (example)
  • Swapped my plain left border on blockquotes for a fancy rainbow gradient one (example)
  • Removed superfluous background-image values from a tags


  • Changed the hover color for underlined links from white to a six-color gradient (Example)
  • Moved the Support section out of /about and to its own /support page, including a lists with my first monthly supporter(!) and the projects I’m supporting


  • Changed Archives’ page to Blog’ page
  • Added more footer links to notable pages
  • Added a /save page
  • Change title style for many pages to /name’
  • Cleaned up and updated the /projects page
  • Added navigational links to the /about page, along with some new content
  • Adapted the Favorite Podcasts page to a /podroll page and added a short write-up for why I like each show



  • Adjusted how <code> elements look with a bit more padding, rounded corners, and a new light gray background color



  • Updated the text on my About page to better explain the best ways to connect with me, including my Threads profile
  • Published a Feeds’ page which lists links to the various ways folks can subscribe to HeyDingus or my personal accounts, plus a rather in-depth explainer about what RSS is and how to use it
  • Updated the stylesheet and navigation links to change the old stylized Feed link to the new /feeds page


  • Published the HeyDingus Shortcuts Library page, and first shortcut to it
  • Moved the Shortcuts Library to the top of the Projects page
  • Removed the redirect from /shortcuts to /tagged/shortcuts
  • Defined a new button class with a rainbow border to match the Shoutouts box
  • Included a Tinylytics kudos button on Shortcuts Library item pages


  • Swapped out the promotional emoji in the header from the Pride Flag to the Trans Flag because trans people are under attack in the USA
  • Published a public view into the page analytics for this site and linked it on the Projects page
  • Changed image captions to span a max-width of 90%, up from 80%


  • Published a Days Waiting’ page with a list of things that I’ve personally been waiting a while for, and added it to the Lists page
  • Finished migrating all the titles of 7 Things posts from being date-based to issue number-based




  • Added the pride flag emoji (🏳️‍🌈) to the header linking to the Equality Federation for Pride Month and made a donation in support of LGBTQ+ rights


  • Published Changelog page
  • Updated Colophon on About page and Projects page with links to Changelog


  • Published Lists page
  • Updated Projects page to include Lists project
  • Started changing the naming scheme for 7 Things’ to use the issue number instead of the date


  • Changed Me’ in header to @jarrod’ and linked to profile
