Finally applied the site’s new layout with a sidebar to all the pages, including the homepage
Cleaned up the HTML/Mustache templates to make better use of reusable code snippets for head.html, header.html, nav.html, sidebar.html, and footer.html
Finished applying the correct semantic structure using proper HTML elements to the rest fo the site’s pages
Archived copies of the old CSS stylesheet and HTML templates to refer back to in the future
Fixed footnote references and back icons to use the blue link color but without underlines
Now I can finish adjusting the CSS and know it’ll apply everywhere 🥳
Updated the semantic structure including changing some classes like .header, .main, and .entry to use the proper <header>, <main>, and <article> elements
Did some behind-the-scenes work on the structure of the header to prepare the way for bigger changes to come
Worked on the makeup of buttons around the site so that they are fully clickable as a hyperlink, not just the text portion (involved swapping from <button> elements to <a> elements styled as buttons)
Added a “More” link in the nav menu to scroll down to the additional links in the footer
Updated the style of those links in the footer
Added scroll-behavior: smooth; to my CSS to enable smooth scrolling for anchor links within a page
Prettied up navigation menus with / mark delimiters and added color to the one in the header, including on hover (example) (inspiration)
Spruced up the /feeds page with a better list of links where you can follow me
Added a Carbon ad spot at the bottom of the footer until I can design a better spot for it
Improved the styling of the Carbon ad and other footer items
Remade the rainbow gradient border effect for blockquotes using border-image instead of background-image for clarity in the code
Updated button style with better spacing, a box-shadow, and transition effect so it’s more fun to press (Inspired by Kev Quirk) (example)
Updated the style of .did_select class for Tinylytics buttons so that it’s more clear when you’ve already pressed the button and can’t press it again (example)
Wrapped blog post tags on the homepage in a p tag so that they don’t get on the same line as other content sometimes
Cleaned up the styling of code blocks so they are more readable and don’t crowd other text
Adjusted the border style, padding, and margins around entries in the Shortcut Library to be less heavy and overwhelming
Updated width and height for the site’s logo and ‘Leave a Tip’ images to display better when viewed without CSS
Updated style of this /changelog page with bullets for each entry and horizontal rules between them
Reverted from “/title”-style page titles back to regular “Title”
Added brackets to footnote references, and removed the weird highlight effect when hovering over them (example)
Swapped my plain left border on blockquotes for a fancy rainbow gradient one (example)
Removed superfluous background-image values from a tags
Changed the hover color for underlined links from white to a six-color gradient (Example)
Moved the Support section out of /about and to its own /support page, including a lists with my first monthly supporter(!) and the projects I’m supporting
Updated the text on my About page to better explain the best ways to connect with me, including my Threads profile
Published a ‘Feeds’ page which lists links to the various ways folks can subscribe to HeyDingus or my personal accounts, plus a rather in-depth explainer about what RSS is and how to use it
Updated the stylesheet and navigation links to change the old stylized Feed link to the new /feeds page