
7 Things (That Are Most Intriguing From WWDC22) This Week [#63]

A weekly list of things I found interesting, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ Dictation enhancements. I’ve always aspired to be a Dictation user. But I usually find it clumsy to premeditate the punctuation, so I default to typing since I’d have to go back to correct it anyway. The one-two punch of automatic punctuation and live keyboard editing while dictating may finally win me over.

2️⃣ Medication Reminders. I think this will be the next significant feature that gets folks to buy an Apple Watch for their parents. The first one was heart monitoring. The second was fall detection. A medication reminder strapped to the wrist, warnings about drug interactions, and the dosage log can be shared securely with your loved ones and doctor — I think it’ll be huge.

3️⃣ Workout app upgrades. My outdoor running workouts are about to get supercharged with watchOS 9. Matt Birchler put together a succinct rundown of the new features on Twitter. [Link - @mattbirchler // twitter.com]

4️⃣ Stage Manager. Oddly enough, I may be more excited about this feature on the Mac than on the iPad, where it unlocks a whole new multitasking paradigm. I’m a heavy user of Spaces on the Mac, but Stage Manager might be a better fit for me. Also, I don’t have an M1 iPad, so I won’t be able to try it there for quite a while.

5️⃣ Display Scaling on iPad. On the other hand, I’m very excited about the More Space’ display scaling option on the iPad. It’s always bugged me that the smaller iPad Pro sizes were limited on app size classes. As long as it works on pre-M1 iPads, I should be able to put two full-sized apps side-by-side, just like on the 12.9-inch iPad Pro.

6️⃣ SharePlay in Messages. I’ve only used SharePlay with FaceTime once, mostly because I don’t like phone calls in general. But a text chat while watching a movie or playing a game together is right up my alley.

7️⃣ Live Activities. My Notification Center is spammed daily with notifications that become irrelevant as soon as the next one comes in. I think Live Activities is an elegant solution that I hope will be used by the likes of Instacart and delivery and weather apps.

Trust Click

Thanks for reading 7 Things! If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please hit me up on Twitter or send me an email!

7 Things WWDC

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