
John Gruber on ‘Dithering’

John Gruber, with a short reminder about his twice weekly, 15-minute hard stop, paid subscriber podcast with Ben Thompson:

We’re now in our fourth year, and we’ve had remarkably little churn — people who subscribe to Dithering tend to stay subscribed, which warms my heart. It’s a fun show and everyone loves the enforced brevity and regularity.

Dithering is one of just three podcasts that are marked as priority’ in my Overcast playlists. Meaning they jump to the top of the queue as soon as they’re published. I do, indeed, love the enforced brevity and regularity”. Ben and John’s friendly debates often bring a smile to my face.

But what I really wanted to say in response to John’s post tonight is Wow!” I can’t believe I’ve been listening to the show for four years already. I still think of Dithering as the new podcast on the block.

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