
7 Things This Week [#105]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ People are amazing. This guy made an AirPods Pro charging case from off-the-shelf parts and 3D prints. [🔗 Exploring the Simulation // youtube.com] (Via Nick Heer)

2️⃣ I’m no Ezra Klein stan, but I thought this interview of him was quite good. I like the four questions he uses to evaluate his day. They seem like a solid foundation. [🔗 Clay Skipper // gq.com]

3️⃣ The Strange Planet series looks as good as I hoped! [🔗 Apple TV // youtube.com]

4️⃣ There are some bad internet bills introduced in Congress that would weaken encryption and privacy, give unprecedented access to law enforcement, and restrict access to necessary resources from kids. This site makes it easy to tell your representatives that you oppose them all. [🔗 badinternetbills.com] (Via Nick Heer)

5️⃣ Whether you like his music or not (I do), it’s hard to deny that Ed Sheeran is one of a kind. This is one of the most impressive musical performances I think I’ve ever seen. (See also, I Don’t Care (Live at Abbey Road)”) [🔗 Songkick // youtube.com] (Via Chance Miller)

6️⃣ This Neeva search engine sounded pretty great. Too bad, as explained in the article, it couldn’t make it in a room filled by one big elephant. [🔗 David Pierce // theverge.com]

7️⃣ I’m not a baby person” but I did like this retrospective on one year of parenting authored by an adventure writer. [🔗 brendan // semi-rad.com]

Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know.

7 Things

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