
Alan Dye was interviewed on ‘Design Matters’, and it reminded me that he’s just a person

The Design Matters with Debbie Millman podcast:

As Vice President of Human Interface Design at Apple, Alan Dye has spent much of his career working for a company that has done perhaps more than any other to make design sexy, essential, and highly coveted. He joins to discuss his lustrous creative path working with Ogilvy’s Brand Integration Group, Kate Spade, Apple and the brand new, highly anticipated Apple Vision Pro.

I know Alan Dye catches a lot of flack for some…interesting design choices for the macOS interface. But I still thoroughly enjoyed this podcast episode with him. He made for a delightful guest with the conversation expertly guided along by host Debbie Millman, who had very clearly done her homework. It certainly helped that the two of them have a personal history, but Alan was so eloquent and thoughtful about his answers. It really was engaging conversation.

If you, like me, like it when Apple employees are able to emerge from the ring and show a little personality — anything to remind us that Apple really is just a collective of (very smart and talented) people — I feel confident that you will enjoy this interview. It covers Alan’s history before Apple, what he’s done there for the past 16 years, a bit about their design studio’s process, and a lot of excitement for Vision Pro. Go give it a listen. (Overcast)

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