
iPhone Models Ranked

  1. iPhone 13 and 13 Mini
  2. iPhone 4
  3. iPhone X
  4. iPhone (first generation)
  5. iPhone 14 Pro and 14 Pro Max
  6. iPhone 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max
  7. iPhone 7 and 7 Plus
  8. iPhone 6S and 6S Plus
  9. iPhone 13 Pro and 13 Pro Max
  10. iPhone 5
  11. iPhone 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max
  12. iPhone 4S
  13. iPhone 5S
  14. iPhone 14 and 14 Plus
  15. iPhone 12 and 12 Mini
  16. iPhone 5C
  17. iPhone XS and XS Max
  18. iPhone 8 and 8 Plus
  19. iPhone 11
  20. iPhone SE (Third Generation)
  21. iPhone 3GS
  22. iPhone SE (Second Generation)
  23. iPhone SE
  24. iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
  25. iPhone 3G
  26. iPhone XR

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