
Kev Quirk

November 2023

Jarrod’s and Kev’s avatars separated by the letter emoji and their website domains, heydingus.net and kevquirk.com, below their images.
(Image inspiration: Jose Munoz)

For the PenPals project this month, I corresponded with Kev Quirk. Kev is a father, a farmhouse caretaker, and a cybersecurity leader. We covered a lot of ground from personal blogging, to homeownership, to empathy for machines. You can read our whole conversation below. (And if you like the design of these penpal pages, you can thank Kev because I was inspired by how he did them on his site.)

Check out Kev’s site →

What’s this now?

I’m glad you asked, dear reader! This is an ongoing project where I get to know one of my readers by becoming penpals for a month. You can learn more about the idea, see who I’ve chatted with, and check a list of available months by visiting the PenPals project page.