Get YouTube Video Info (HeyDingus’ Version) shortcut
Use Apple Shortcuts to get basic info about a YouTube video and package it up for use elsewhere.
This shortcut gets the Channel, Video Title, and URL from a YouTube video and packages them up in a Dictionary action to be used in other shortcuts.
I simplified it from the version shared in MacStories Weekly Issue 304.
Run This Shortcut
You can run this shortcut from its URL (such as from within a note, calendar event, or to-do item):
Latest Release Notes
Version 1.0 — 2024-04-04
- Introducing ‘Get YouTube Video Info (HeyDingus’ Version)’
- Download version 1.0
Version History
No prior versions.
Thanks for checking out this shortcut! It’s part of the HeyDingus Shortcuts Library. If you’re sharing my shortcuts or modifying them (or see a bug or have a feature request), I’d love to hear from you — please give me a shout! And maybe consider a donation if you find this shortcut fun or useful. Thank you. ✌️