
‘20 Macs for 2020’

Jason Snell, who recently finished the incredible 20 Macs for 2020 project on Six Colors:

Now, note my choice of words there: notable. I’m not saying these are my favorite Macs—a bunch of them I only knew in passing and never used myself. I’m not saying these are the best Macs ever—a difficult thing to measure, since (with a few obvious exceptions) the best Macs made are the most recent ones, otherwise we’d all still be using G3 iMacs.

If you’re an Apple nerd like me, you’ll appreciate the depths to which Jason dug to put together these 20 stories, podcasts, and videos. Sometimes I forget that the Mac was introduced way back in 1984 — 10 years before I was born1 — so I looked forward to learning a little more of the full story each week. With the introduction of the M1 Macs a few months ago, I have to believe the Mac’s best years are ahead of it, and I’m thrilled to be along for the ride!

I have owned three Macs so far, with the fourth, an M1 Mac mini, arriving later this month. The first was an original Intel MacBook Pro in high school, then a 2011 iMac throughout college, and finally a 2016 MacBook (Adorable) which is still kicking around as my daily driver. The most notable of that collection has to be the MacBook Pro. It was one of the first with that sleek all-metal enclosure that still informs laptop design to this day, and was my gateway drug into the Mac ecosystem.2

  1. My Mac history began in middle school when I would skin Windows to look more like the (clearly superior) Mac OS. ↩︎

  2. It belonged to my best friend and tech enabler, Robert, at the time and I played with it at every opportunity. Being the generous guy that he is, Robert gave it to me as a birthday gift. It’s still one of the best gifts I’ve ever been given. ↩︎

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