“‘We all have our own tides inside. They go in. Out.’ He shrugs. ‘Not really ours to control.’” [Golden Son by Pierce Brown]
“For thirty years they had the work of my hands. They could have had the work of my head and my heart at no extra cost, but they never asked.” [2 Second Lean by Paul Akers]
“Being able to listen well is a superpower. While listening to someone you love keep asking them “Is there more?”, until there is no more.” [“68 Bits of Unsolicited Advice” by Kevin Kelly]
“The human mind: We start with a strong emotion and then we find reason to explain it.” [Merlin Mann]
“The reason that most of us are unhappy most of the time is that we set our goals not for the person we’re going to be when we reach them, but we set our goals for the person we are when we set them.” [Jim Coudal]