
My Watch Now Scores Me on My Readiness for the Day

David Smith just released a really cool update for Sleep++:

There are a number of dedicated fitness trackers that seek to provide you with an indication of how rested” or recovered” you are each night’s sleep. My goal is to bring this to automatic sleep tracking on the Apple Watch.

After laying out the three measurements that factor into it — Heart Rate Variability, Resting Heart Rate, and Restful Sleep Duration — David explains the scale for the daily Readiness Score:

These three values are then combined into a single numerical score from 0 to 100. With 100 indicating that all three measures are pointing you towards a highly restorative night. And 0 indicating that your body appears to have been really struggling during the night. Additionally, each composite value, and its comparison to baseline, is shown for reference.

His short explainer blog post is worth reading in full to better understand how and why the score makes sense.

A screenshot showing my readiness scores for the past few days.
My sleep quality has been up and down lately.

Sleep++ has been my sleep tracker of choice for years because of its no-hassle approach. I beta-tested this new version and have already found value in checking my Readiness Score. And it’s accurate — when I wake up feeling tired, I’ll check the score, and it is always indeed on the low side. Sleep++ is free, so there’s no reason not to give it a try!

Go to the linked site →

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