
Hey, Thanks

It’s Thanksgiving, once again, here in the U.S. and I just wanted to take a moment to say thanks” to HeyDingus readers out there, and all those who inspire me. I was mostly offline for a few months there, but I’m really appreciative of everyone reading the site. I do it mostly for me, but knowing that anyone is enjoying my work is a big motivator. I get a huge thrill anytime someone reaches out on Twitter or email with a comment or suggestion. So if you’re one of those folks, you get an extra thanks! 😉

Moving to a new home and starting over with a new community is always a bit scary. It was really nice to have the familiarity of this corner of the internet, which has always been warm and welcoming, to return to this year. I hope that you’re also surrounded by friends and family — online or in-person — this season.

Thanks again. 🦃

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Mac Notebooks vs. Laptops November 23, 2022

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7 Things This Week [#70] November 27, 2022