7 Things This Week [#52]
A weekly list of things I found interesting, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.
1️⃣ I’ve never been down on hole-punch displays, and I don’t dislike the notch. But this new purported design for the iPhone 14 Pro camera and TrueDepth cutout looks pretty sweet to me. Less obtrusive than the notch for sure. [Link - Chance Miller // 9to5mac.com]
2️⃣ Okay, I’ve got to find a Michelin star restaurant after reading this account from a non-foodie like me. If the point of going out for food is to enjoy something you couldn’t make at home, this sounds like the epitome. [Link - Kirsty Bosley // birminghammail.co.uk]
3️⃣ Some solid advice from TidBITS on password management, which also debunks the myth that you should regularly change your password for a given website. [Link - Glenn Fleishman // tidbits.com]
4️⃣ I came across this fantastic tool for tracking the Apple Stores you’ve visited via Michael Steeber’s Tabletop newsletter. So cool! [Link - Filip Chudzinski, Simon Botte // yesterdayatapple.com]
5️⃣ Tyler Stalman’s video explaining exposure, aperture, and shutter speed was a huge help to me in understanding how cameras work and what all those weird numbers mean. [Link - Tyler Stalman // youtube.com]
6️⃣ Alex Cox, of Do By Friday, is doing something interesting with Obsidian Publish. Looks like a cross between a blog and personal notes — like an outboard brain — but in public. They’re also freshly independent! 🎉 [Link - Alex Cox // coxchain.com]
7️⃣ If you’re into learning about how mechanical things work on the inside, this YouTube channel is going to be your jam. (Via Studio Neat) [Link - thang010146 // youtube.com]
Thanks for reading 7 Things! If you enjoyed these links, or have something else neat to share, please hit me up on Twitter or send me an email!