
7 Things (I Learned From Grandpa) [#82]

My remaining grandfather passed away this past week. He was a foundational figure in my life, a role model who stuck to his values and principles. He loved his wife fiercely, and never, ever stopped caring for her, even as his own health declined. I’ll always remember Grandpa’s mischievous grin, which appeared when he got away with a joke that you didn’t expect from his typically serious demeanor. I like to think we share many things in common, the least of which are our unusual middle name and our inability to blow our nose without sounding like a blaring horn. I’ll miss him.

Here are just a few life lessons I gleaned from his 91 years of voracious life.

1️⃣ To balance goofy and serious like a master.

2️⃣ To put your partner and family first.

3️⃣ Work hard, play hard.

4️⃣ It’s okay to enjoy the things that you enjoy.

5️⃣ Given the opportunity, people will rise to meet your expectations.

6️⃣ Independence is a thing to be cherished. But it doesn’t last forever, and it doesn’t do to resist help when those who care offer it.

7️⃣ Going fast in a boat brings a smile to anyone’s face.

Take a Chance

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7 Things

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