
A Couple of Podcast Recommendations

I happened to listen to two1 excellent podcast episodes this morning, one right after the other, and wanted to share them with the world. Podcasts have a notoriously difficult time getting discovered because they are tricky to share on the web, but I’m trying to do my part.

Really Specific Stories with Marco Arment

If you’re a technology podcast listener, you’ve heard of Marco Arment. Not only is he a prolific podcaster himself — he hosts Accidental Tech Podcast, Under the Radar, Top Four, Neutral (retired), and Build and Analyze (retired) — but he also develops the very popular Overcast app. I’ve referenced Overcast and Marco here many times. This RSS interview of Marco by Martin Feld is one of the best I’ve heard and covers Marco’s history at Tumblr, developing Instapaper, developing Overcast, and crafting the podcasts he hosts. Yes, he really has had a hand in all those internet nerd favorites.

Further listening: The Launched episode with Marco

The Vergecasts rebroadcast of Into It: The Conversation We’re NOT Having About AI

I’d never heard an Into It podcast episode before, so I was glad that The Vergecast dropped this one into their feed. It’s a conversation between Into Its host Sam Sanders and The Verges Editor-in-Chief, and The Vergecast host, Nilay Patel. The Verge is doing special coverage on Google all year, and this chat covers how AI, chatbots, and shifting culture will disrupt Google’s place as a god of the web and how that will change how we all experience the internet.

It was smart, funny, and has me both nervous and hopeful for the future of the web. Not bad for a tight 40 minutes.

  1. That was perhaps too many times to say to͞o”.↩︎


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