
‘Call me, maybe’: Neatnik’s New Phone Support

Adam Newbold, of omg.lol proprietor fame, is setting up a direct phone support line for his one-man company:

I remember the days when you could just punch in a number, hear a ring or two, and talk to a person who was qualified to answer your question or help you with your problem. I think we all took that for granted, because it was the default experience. There was nothing special or magical about it; it’s just how things worked.

And I think it can still work today. It’s worth a try, at least. So, starting right now, I’m offering phone support for Neatnik LLC products and services (like omg.lol). You can call +1-707-NEATNIK (+1-707-632-8645), and if I’m available, I’ll answer.

After trying and failing to figure out how to call Amazon’s support line with their thousands of employees, I love that this is coming from a one-man show.

The first thing I thought of when reading Adam’s post, though, was an old video I saw recently of a video game studio employee providing excellent game support to a customer over the phone.1 The customer couldn’t figure out how to get past a level, and the service agent talked him right through, all without skipping a beat of the game they were playing while talking. I like to imagine that will be Adam, fielding calls with ease while coding up the next goodie.

  1. I can’t recall where I saw this video. I’ve tried tracking it down, but no dice. If you know which one I’m talking about, I’d love to link it here.↩︎


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