I launched a ‘For Sale’ page 🛍️

It’s at heydingus.net/sales.

There’s only one thing on it right now, the Keychron K3 Ultra-Slim keyboard that I replaced with my new” Magic Keyboard, but I intend to list more stuff there over time.

It’s most likely to be populated by gadgets, but I might throw some outdoor gear or other knickknacks there that I’m looking to find a new home for.

As I mention at the top of that page, I take good care of my stuff, and I’ll do my best to price things fairly. I’ll ship for free anywhere in the continental U.S. These things will likely also be for sale via Facebook Marketplace, eBay, and/or OfferUp1, so act fast (email me) if you see something you like. I just think there might be a higher concentration of people with my interests and tastes right here and, therefore, more likely to find a happy buyer.

I’ll (probably) write a blog post as each new item goes up, and I’ll (definitely) post to my microblog about them. Keep an eye out!

  1. But you won’t get free shipping through those sites! You get that here because I love you. 😘↩︎

For Sale

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The Magic Keyboard with Touch ID Rules December 12, 2024

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First Impressions of Artemis: James’ ‘Calm Web Reader’ December 12, 2024