PenPal with Ratika: Sleep, Routines, and Short Stories
From my latest exchange with Ratika Deshpande:
The sky is a color that refuses to be named; it is at once peach and grey and beige and white. I can’t think of anything to compare it to. In On Writing, Stephen King says that while people can go, “It was so beautiful I couldn’t describe it!” a writer should be able to give that description. I can’t, however, and that makes me happy, because it means I’m truly paying attention to a thing without simultaneously taking notes in my head. It means that I’m looking at something that feels beyond words. And every such occasion is a chance to truly live. I wish for everyone to have such experiences.
Chatting with Ratika encourages me to stretch different writing and storytelling muscles. It feels good, even if I know I’m struggling to reach my toes.