
7 Things This Week [#145]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ Such an elegantly made video. It doesn’t matter that I have no interest in coffee or how it tastes, but I appreciate great storytelling and this is excellent. (The behind-the-scenes is great too.) [🔗 James Hoffmann // youtube.com] (Via Matt Birchler)

2️⃣ I’m intrigued by this tinyPod, Apple Watch phone case thing. Pretty clever, but what I’m most curious about is how they’re converting the scroll wheel touches into watchOS interactions. [🔗 Ryan Christoffel // 9to5mac.com]

3️⃣ Anyone up for a game of Robot Or Not? (I won on my first try.) [🔗 app.humanornot.ai] (Via Kev Quirk)

4️⃣ I’m a sucker for a list of bits of advice, and this is a good one. [🔗 brendan // semi-rad.com]

5️⃣ AI text generation is coming for your personal conversations. How’s that gonna make you feel? [🔗 Neven Mrgan // mrgan.com]

6️⃣ AI generation is also coming for your intrapersonal conversations. And if I had a spare $200, this app that uses AI to ask you questions, transcribe your answers, do follow-ups, and format it all into an autobiography of sorts is probably what I’d spend it on. I’m very intrigued. [🔗 Autobiographer // apps.apple.com]

7️⃣ AI is also also coming for your playlists. This app generates a custom playlist for your road trip, taking into account the places you’ll pass through on the way. Very cool! [🔗 Trip Tunes // impresskit.net]

52 Albums Project

Tike Without Consequence by Alexi Murdoch (2000) — #20/52

I’ll be honest with you, I’m picking Time Without Consequence for one specific reason: it debuts with a perfect song, All My Days”. I don’t even remember if the rest of the album is any good! We’ll find out together shortly as the rest of it plays through…

Turns out, quite good! Boy his voice is lovely.

The album title, Time Without Consequence’, and that grayscale cover, so classic.

Follow along on the 52 Albums Project page where I’m making some playlists for you.

🔗 Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know. And remember that you can get more links to internet nuggets that I’m finding every day by following me @jarrod on the social web.

7 Things 52 Albums

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7 Things This Week [#146] June 24, 2024