Summer PenPals with Justin and Steve

I’ve not been keeping up very well on noting here when there are new penpal entries, so I’m fixing that now! I’ve had the pleasure of writing back and forth with Justin Wong and Steve Ledlow over the past few months.

Justin and I wrapped up our extended month talking about summer plans and new things happening in our lives:

I landed a written job interview for technical writing. That’s been stressing me a bit, just because there’s a bit of pressure and there’s so many questions. I always overthink and overedit my writing. I’m overthinking this email!

Read our entire conversation →

And Steve, of Tangible Life, and I started talking about how life changes when school’s out when you have kids, vacation memories, and love languages:

My wife and I align on many things, but one of my favorite things has to be our feeling on almost every form of holiday” other than birthdays.  They’re not really a big deal to us.  We don’t exchange gifts.  We don’t make Valentine’s, or Mother’s Day/Father’s Day or anniversaries a big deal.  Our anniversary just passed at the end of June and I was in St. Louis for one day for work.  We didn’t even remember that it was that day until someone reached out because it was a memory” in their social media.  We just celebrate life every day, and attempt to celebrate one another the same.  It’s refreshing in a way that I can’t describe.  No obligation.  No expectations.  It only works because we both feel this way, otherwise it would be a complete fail.

Read our entire conversation →

I’ll probably be taking the rest of the summer off from PenPals once Steve and I wrap up our conversation, but if you’re interested in chatting with me later this year, please do let me know!


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7 Things This Week [#148] July 24, 2024