Mid-Blaugust 2024 Check-In

Today is August 17th, so we’re over halfway through Blaugust 2024 and I thought I would just let you know how it’s going. Bonus, it counts for my blog post for today.

After a few months of mostly not blogging, having a goal to post something every day was a real jump. Kind of cold turkey-ing my cold turkey hiatus. I didn’t announce I was going to do it. I haven’t set a recurring to-do in my task manager — doing those things would add too much pressure, I think. I just know that I want to get 31 posts in and that I should strive to write something every day.

It’s been going well! Although I haven’t posted every day, technically, I have kept up and doubled up on days when I missed. I’ve typically been writing as one of the last things I do in the day. Kind of like homework, that’s just when things with a deadline get done for me. At night, usually while sacrificing sleep. 🤷‍♂️

Although Blaugust has a suggested weekly topic theme or a prompt list to go off of, I haven’t used either of those things. I have a few ideas bouncing around my head each day and then I make the final decision when I flip open the iPad to start writing. Getting started writing isn’t really an issue for me. I just start typing. The fact that it’s been coming easily makes me optimistic that I’ll stick with this and complete the challenge.

Most of the time, I expect my off-the-cuff blog posts to be only a handful of paragraphs long, but many have turned out much longer. I just keep writing until I’ve said what I want to say and run out of words. No outline. No real plan. Just vibes that end up on the page.

I really ought to take this approach more often. Outside of Blaugust, I usually feel like I should be writing something meaningful. Something that takes time, some research, lots of links, and perfect grammar. When the goal is just to write every day, those hang-ups have kind of fallen by the wayside. Not that I want these posts to be poorly written (they still get a Grammarly proofread), I just feel that they can be a little more informal, more me. Hopefully you agree.

Anyway, my goal tonight was to let you, dear reader, how I’m feeling about Blaugust. I’ve done that, and I’m running out of words. So I think I’ll end it here. See you tomorrow!

Bee Tee Dubs, Check In is one of the coolest (and important) iOS features that you’re probably not using. Let’s say you’re driving somewhere and want to let your significant other (or parents because they insist) know that you arrived safely. But it’s so hard to remember once you get there to stop and send the text that everything was fine. Check In will do it for you. See how to use it here.

It also works for walks at night, hiking, outdoor exercises, climbing alone, and any other time you just want your phone to have your back.

This is post #17/31 for Blaugust 2024.


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7 Things This Week [#151] August 18, 2024