Small Life Improvement: Turn Off Your Microwave

I’ve gotta share with you one of the small changes that my wife and I made to our home that’s had a far outsized effect on our wellbeing. A life hack, if you will. It’s to turn off your microwave.

Well, not quite turn it off. But turn off two specific functions of it. First, turn off its clock display. Second, turn off its ability to beep.

Turn off the clock

Do you really need another appliance clock in your kitchen? The stove has one, your coffee maker has one. Even your fridge might have a clock on it these days. And that’s not even considering smart displays, the smartphone in your pocket, watch on your wrist, or actual clocks on the wall. If you can, I say choose only one to keep going. The rest, turn off if you can — and if you can’t, set it to a wildly different time and then never think about it again.

It’ll be at least one fewer clocks to set when the time springs forward and falls back each year. One fewer clock to dial in after a power outage. One fewer clock to try (and fail) to keep in sync with the countless other timekeepers in your house.

Personally, I like fewer things on my to-do list.

Turn off the sound

My wife gets all the credit for this one. For as long as we’ve been together, she’s loathed letting the microwave get to the end of its cooking cycle and sound the alarm that the food is done. The loud beeps that go on for way too long were personally offensive to her. So when she used the microwave, she stayed on alert waiting for the time to tick down toward zero, and then she’d manually stop it with one or two seconds remaining. All in the service of fewer shrill beeps.

When we eventually bought a new microwave in one of our moves, I happened to be riffling through the manual and saw a section about changing its options, including how to turn off the beeps. It made the microwave completely silent — no beeps when it’s done and no beeps on each press of its buttons. I earned some Good Husband Points that day as I banished those beeps from our life.

If you’re worried about forgetting about food in the microwave because there’s no alarm, well, that’s not been a problem for us. The only downside is that, although I eliminated having to reset its clock, now I need to go through those options to turn off the beeps after every power outage.

Give it a shot! A quick internet search for your microwave’s model name and the word manual” should bring up a PDF of that instruction booklet you assuredly discarded long ago. But there could be some life-changing stuff in there.

This is post #23/31 for Blaugust 2024.

Tips Blaugust

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