7 Things This Week [#170]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ This retro M4 Mac Mini design from ColorWare looks hella good. [🔗 9to5mac.com]

2️⃣ Here’s a Steve Jobs interview that I hadn’t seen before in which he predicts modern streaming services, reiterates Apple’s commitment to building the best products and making a profit only to serve that key goal, and proposes a fascinating idea of everyone donating their extra WiFi bandwidth to create a faster/stronger nationwide wireless service. What a visionary and compelling communicator he was. [▶️ youtube.com] (Via Numeric Citizen)

3️⃣ Matt Birchler’s not the only one who gets satisfaction from seeing computers work through complex tasks. 🙋‍♂️ [🔗 birchtree.me]

4️⃣ This trailer for Friendship with Tim Robinson and Paul Rudd looks like an SNL sketch, but no, it’ll be an A24 film! Wild! [▶️ youtube.com] (Via Matt Birchler)

5️⃣ Jason Kottke linked to an 8-hour remix of the Severance theme that I’m totally gonna save. There’s also a link to a Macrodata Refinement game”. Scary numbers, indeed. [🔗 kottke.org]

6️⃣ Lou Plummer shared some thoughts on his cycling days of participating in races and exploring new places. [🔗 amerpie.lol]

7️⃣ This app will encourage you to use your phone less… by having you use your phone to verify an image of your hand literally touching grass. I love the whimsical idea, but it’s still a bit…hypocritical? Also, gonna be tricky to use for about a third of the year here in upstate New York. ❄️ [🔗 apps.apple.com] (Via Brendan Bigley)

🔗 Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know. And remember that you can get more links to internet nuggets that I’m finding every day by following me @jarrod on the social web.

7 Things

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