
Follow List of Channels in Play shortcut

Use Apple Shortcuts to quickly and effortlessly follow a list of YouTube channel subscriptions in Play.

The shortcut helps you follow a channel in the Play app by allowing you to send a YouTube channel’s URL, or list of URLs, to it.

But its best use is to copy all your YouTube subscriptions over at once. Just select the whole list of your channel subs in YouTube, copy the text, and then run this shortcut. It will extract the channel URLs and follow them one-by-one in Play.

Heads up: Following a channel is a Play Premium’ feature, so you’ll need to unlock that in Play for this shortcut to be of any use.

Read more about the introduction of Play’s Follow Channels’ feature in this blog post.

See It in Action

Required Apps

  • Play (you’ll need to unlock Play Premium’ for the Follow Channels’ feature)

Run This Shortcut

You can run this shortcut from its URL (such as from within a note, calendar event, or to-do item):


Latest Release Notes

Version 1.0 - Released 2023-11-29

Version History

Thanks for checking out this shortcut! It’s part of the HeyDingus Shortcuts Library. If you’re sharing my shortcuts or modifying them (or see a bug or have a feature request), I’d love to hear from you — please give me a shout! And maybe consider a donation if you find this shortcut fun or useful. Thank you. ✌️