
7 Things (Which Are Some Twitter Users I Need to Thank) This Week [#68]

A weekly list of things I found interesting, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

Since Twitter feels like it’s in an uncontrollable death spiral, I thought I’d get out some thank yous” to folks who made it a joy to visit. Here are 7 Twitterers I’d like to thank:

1️⃣ @EmilyRussellADK for sharing what’s going on in my new hometown, and for her fantastic photos of adventuring with her dog.

2️⃣ @BasicAppleGuy for unapologetically sharing what he loves, and being an old-school tech optimist when so much of the tech industry feels the opposite these days.

3️⃣ @mattcassinelli for putting in the work to build a community around a project he’s so passionate for (Shortcuts). And for patiently and enthusiastically guiding countless people along the path to automation.

4️⃣ @kylesethgray for the motivation to get out on early runs and rides, and to close my rings.

5️⃣ @nathanwpyle for the reminders to think outside the box and look at the world from new perspectives.

6️⃣ @loudmouthjulia for having perhaps the best @handle on all of Twitter, and for her on-point sarcasm and tech insights, of course. (Honorable mention to @mjh_txt for the second-best @handle.)

7️⃣ @ThePunnyWorld is one of my most recent follows I owe them for all their puns that give me a good chuckle nearly every time I visit Twitter.

Trust Click

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know.

7 Things

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