
Letters with Jason, Belated [#3]

Jarrod’s and Jason’s avatars separated by the letter emoji and their website domains, heydingus.net and json.blog, below their images.
(Image inspiration: Jose Munoz)

Back in July for the PenPals project, I was corresponding with Jason Becker, the instigator of this whole series of letters sent around the web. He sent me a reply months ago to round out our conversation. It was profound and has taken me a while to digest and find worthwhile words to respond. Here’s a breif summary of our final exchange by ChatGPT:

In Jason’s third letter, he responds to Jarrod’s suggestion of making his writing more personal and reflective, drawing parallels between writing and personal flourishing. Jason shares insights into his career journey from chemistry to policy to leading a development team at a software startup, relating it to finding his own patch of land. He acknowledges the challenge of balancing risk-taking in both short-term and long-term planning, expressing concerns about discovering and living the life he wants. Jason reflects on the difficulty of breaking routine and embracing new experiences due to a base level of complacency. In Jarrod’s reply, he commends Jason’s poetic expression and resonates with the fear of complacency. Jarrod discusses his own fears, emphasizing the importance of using fear as a tool for positive action rather than letting it lead to inaction. He shares insights from rock climbing experiences, emphasizing the need to move through fear and take action to become more powerful and capable. Jarrod concludes by expressing gratitude for the conversation.

If you’d like to be a penpal for this project, please reach out! I’d love to get you on the schedule.


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Letters with Robert, October 2023 [#1] October 17, 2023