
7 Things This Week [#80]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ Fake meat product sales are on the decline, probably due to recession concerns. It’s a bummer, since I think they could make a big environmental impact. I always try the imitation meats when I see them on a menu. [Link - Megan Hernbroth // axios.com]

2️⃣ Stalwart Daring Fireball hardly needs a link from whippersnapper HeyDingus, but I did really enjoy Gruber’s piece on the feel of app quality. Bonus points were earned with the perfect, and titular, Steve Jobs quote which wraps it up. [Link - John Gruber // daringfireball.net]

And now begins some link vamping because I didn’t have seven things saved up this time… So here’s five things out of my Apple Archive storage!

3️⃣ Michael Steeber put together this guide for all the furniture in Apple Store Boardrooms. [Link]

4️⃣ Here’s an amazing working Dashboard replica. [Link]

5️⃣ And an iPod! [Link]

6️⃣ An archive of all the Apple Gift Cards. [Link]

7️⃣ An AI-powered moment finder from Apple keynotes. [Link]

Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know.

7 Things

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