
7 Things This Week [#109]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ I love this drought-resistant sidewalk garden that a family has been maintaining for the last six years. [🔗 zachklein.com]

2️⃣ I’ll never not be impressed by the care and usefulness poured into CleanShot X. It’s got a great new update this week, and Matt Birchler made this excellent feature promo video. [▶️ CleanShot X // youtube.com]

3️⃣ I can’t say that I’m a Rolling Stones fan, but I did really like the creativity of their latest music video. The song’s pretty good, too. [▶️ Rolling Stones // youtube.com] (Via Daring Fireball)

4️⃣ It’s heartwarming to see that the late, great Alex Hay has been memorialized by Starfield’s developers in the game he was so excited to play. [🔗 Matthew Cassinelli // matthewcassinelli.com]

5️⃣ Could next year finally be the year that Siri gets good? I’ve been duped into that idea before, but tighter integration with Shortcuts is always a good thing in my book. [🔗 Zac Hall // 9to5mac.com] (Via Matthew Cassinelli)

6️⃣ Words to live by. [🔗 HeyScottyJ // heyscottyj.com]

7️⃣ This is an awesome tool to rank any list of things. [🔗 Chorus.fm // chorus.fm]1

Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know.

  1. For example, I ranked every iPhone model.↩︎

7 Things

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7 Things (Which Are All Trust Clicks) This Week [#108] August 27, 2023

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Brief Thoughts Before Apple’s Wonderlust Event September 12, 2023