7 Things This Week [#154]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ Steve Ledlow makes the case for the Intentional Web with this manifesto. [🔗 tangiblelife.net]

2️⃣ Matt Birchler reviewed his year-ago review of the iPhone 15 Pro. Great idea! [🔗 birchtree.me]

3️⃣ I was always excited to see Becca Farsace feature at The Verge, so I’m doubly excited now that she’s doing her own YouTube channel. In her first solo video, she explains why she stayed at and why she left The Verge (sounds like some unfortunate corporate-ness has crept in, among other things), and why she’s jazzed to be doing her own thing now. [▶️ youtube.com]

4️⃣ I mentioned this Under The Radar episode in my post earlier this week, but I wanted to highlight it again here. Marco Arment and David Smith have a thoughtful conversation about the aftermath of Overcast’s 10th anniversary launch, dealing with the feedback from users, and fixing some mistakes. [🎙️ overcast.fm]

5️⃣ I also starred this episode of The Vergecast in which David Pierce talks to many of his colleagues about their productivity systems. Lots of great ideas and wonderful reminder about how differently we all tackle some of our common challenges. Some of my takeaways: write more things down, digital calendars are great, an ever-lengthening task list isn’t all that helpful, having just 2-3 must-do things per day is smart, and lots of people use TickTick. I think it’s well-worth adding to your podcast queue. [🎙️ overcast.fm]

6️⃣ This climb, Chloe’s Breakfast Special, was probably my favorite climb of the weekend at the Rumney Craggin’ Classic, put on by the American Alpine Club. Can’t wait to get back to Rumney for more sport climbing! [🔗 mountainproject.com]

7️⃣ Don’t forget, you can get a custom shortcut made for you by yours truly by donating to my campaign for the cancer-beating work of St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital this month! [🎗️ heydingus.net/stjude]

🔗 Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know. And remember that you can get more links to internet nuggets that I’m finding every day by following me @jarrod on the social web.

7 Things

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