7 Things This Week [#171]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

1️⃣ @tinyblocks_ on Threads put together a clever iPhone setup that uses Shortcuts in the Dock to swap focus modes tied to specific Home Screens. Rather than launching actions, they bring you to a dedicated dashboard of sorts. [🧵 threads.net]

2️⃣ @robexplosm imagines a truly evil use of the Severance technology. [🧵 threads.net]

3️⃣ Merlin Mann encourages us to notice the good stuff. [🔗 merlin.ghost.io]

4️⃣ Google’s insistence on a privacy policy for an app that collects no user data, unlike Google itself, led to this gem of a webpage. [🔗 jwz.org] (Via Matt Fantinel)

5️⃣ Gina Trapani’s My Life in Weeks’ is so cool and very similar to a Timeline project I’ve had in mind. [🔗 weeks.ginatrapani.org] (Also via Matt Fantinel)

6️⃣ Birchtree, one of my favorite blogs, by Matt Birchler has a fresh redesign. It’s much more web-app-y, which I’m not sold on, but certainly provides more utility. I generally read everything via RSS anyway, and clicking through to the post on the site is still a good, clean reading experience. It’s a good site, check it out! [🔗 birchtree.me]

7️⃣ Vsauce on YouTube built a nifty machine that helps show off words that are palindromes (same word when spelled backwards and forwards) and emordnilaps (different words when spelled forwards and backwards). [▶️ youtube.com]

🔗 Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know. And remember that you can get more links to internet nuggets that I’m finding every day by following me @jarrod on the social web.

7 Things

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