7 Things This Week [#172]
A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.
1️⃣ I’ve long wondered how folks did bold and italic text on sites like Twitter that didn’t support formatting. This website does it for you using (unfortunately not very accessible) ✨Unicode✨. (Micro.blog, my social media of choice, does it using HTML, which is better, but isn’t supported everywhere — though most Mastodon servers seem to display it correctly.) [🔗 yaytext.com] (Via Dave Winer)
2️⃣ Such joy. Such power. Such precision. Such talent. Wow. [🔗 instagram.com]
3️⃣ Bluesky CEO Jay Graber subposts Mark Zuckerberg with her own Latin shirt reading “A world without Caesars”. [🔗 theverge.com]
4️⃣ Sindre Sorhus just can’t help but put out these awesome little apps. His newest is Googly Eyes which puts, well, googly eyes in your menu bar that follow your cursor around the screen. 👀😆 [🦣 mastodon.social]
5️⃣ For my fellow Shortcuts nerds, Joe Steel has a tip on setting the order of items passed into a shortcut. Photos always wants to do newest first, but using the ‘Filter Files’ action, you can make it do oldest first. But not without some shenanigans, as Joe found out. [🔗 duck.haus]
6️⃣ Want some unofficial Severance-inspired Lumon merch? Adam Selby’s got you covered! [🔗 adamselby.gumroad.com]
7️⃣ Nathan Longhurst is a guy to keep an eye on. He just summitted 100 peaks in New Zealand over a summer by using a paraglider to get down. Seems like these massive challenges are his deal. [🔗 climbing.com]
Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know. And remember that you can get more links to internet nuggets that I’m finding every day by following me @jarrod on the social web.