
Iceland’s Reduced Work Hours Meant More Happiness And The Gears Kept Turning

Andrea Hsu, writing at NPR:

Now, research out of Iceland has found that working fewer hours for the same pay led to improved well-being among workers, with no loss in productivity. In fact, in some places, workers were more productive after cutting back their hours.

Work fills the time that you allot to it. It’s as true in theory as it is in practice. I’m always up for people rethinking how work” should happen. The pandemic has given us all a lot to reconsider, and the how our workplace and schedules are just the tip of the iceberg.

We’ve all collectively made up the Monday to Friday, 9-to-5 jobs, and we can remake that schedule anytime we choose. It’s just that getting everyone in a large country to agree on anything is borderline impossible.

The full article on NPR is worth your time.

Go to the linked site →


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