
7 Things (Which Are My Favorite 7 Things Posts Thus Far) This Week [#100]

A weekly list of interesting things I found on the internet, posted on Sundays. Sometimes themed, often not.

I hope you’ll allow me a moment of reflection on this hundredth issue of 7 Things This Week. It’s somewhat cliche to say It doesn’t feel like it’s been that long”, but it’s also true. I’ve been putting out a 7 Things post every (read: most) Sundays for over two years now. It was one of the first project ideas that I had after starting HeyDingus. I was inspired by Kotkee.org, MacStories Weekly, and other link roundups. Sometimes I have tons to share while other times I’m scrambling to find cool stuff from my YouTube history and read-later archives. But I’ve loved the routine of putting something out each week and sharing little blurbs about what’s caught my interest.

My favorite 7 Things posts, as you can see below, are usually the themed ones and I’m hoping to do more of those this year. Occasionally, they provide me the structure I need to express emotional things that I otherwise struggle with.

Thanks for reading along each week. And thanks to the folks who have reached out after being featured here, or have just enjoyed the lists. It’s always a thrill to hear from y’all, including Martin Feld, Vincent Ritter, Jose Munoz, and more. 🧡

Here’s to the next 100! 🥳

1️⃣ 7 Things (Which Are My Most Played Songs) This Week [#7] // Music is so personal, so it took a little courage to put this out there.

2️⃣ 7 Things (Which Are My Most Used Emojis) This Week [#39] // I was stretching here but ended up really happy with this list!

3️⃣ 7 Things (Which Are Some Cool Shit From CES) This Week [#43] // I usually scoff at all the vaporware stuff at CES, but this time I got to look at it with fresh eyes as I searched for the truly weird gadgets.

4️⃣ 7 Things (Which Are Pics From My ADK Trip) This Week [#29] // This was a photoblog of the trip that ended up sealing the deal for my wife and I moving to the Adirondacks. It was a great trip and moving here has been one of our very best decisions.

5️⃣ 7 Things (Shared by ChatGPT) This Week [#86] // This was when I saw more potential in ChatGPT for me personally. It nailed listing out cool sites that I could have actually linked to in 7 Things, and it did it in seconds.

6️⃣ 7 Things (I’m Exploring in Earnest) This Week [#64] 👀 // I don’t do a lot of teases but this was fun because Blot got me excited about writing again and learning some new coding skills. I liked spilling the beans that some big changes were coming to the site.

7️⃣ 7 (Nice) Things This Week [#69] // For the laughs.

Take a Chance

Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know.

7 Things Favorites

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