A weekly list of things I found interesting, posted on Sundays.* Sometimes themed, often not.
1️⃣ The Libby app is a true joy, and I’m always glad to see people, like Victoria Song here, discover that they can read just about any book legally, for free.[Link - Victoria Song // theverge.com]
2️⃣ BasicAppleGuy voices my own frustrations with Apple’s new ad initiative:
And when I constantly have to dismiss and scroll past ads to get to the content I want, you know what I do? I stop using it. And I stop using it because I no longer feel like I’m in a valued relationship with the company. Instead, I feel like a means to an end, a set of eyeballs that can be squeezed for an extra nickel of ad revenue each month.
[Link - BasicAppleGuy // basicappleguy.com]
3️⃣ Would you believe that the Oregon Trail was being first travelled at the same time that the first faxes were sent? Me neither. And there’s many more mind-blowing facts here. [Link - Jason Kottke // kottke.org]
4️⃣ These AI generated profile pictures are truly impressive. And also true horrors. [Link - Stephen Hackett // 512pixels.net]
5️⃣ From Apple’s reorganization announcement that also marked Scott Forstall’s impending departure from Apple:
Bob Mansfield will lead a new group, Technologies, which combines all of Apple’s wireless teams across the company in one organization, fostering innovation in this area at an even higher level. This organization will also include the semiconductor teams, who have ambitious plans for the future.
They weren’t kidding!
[Link - Apple Newsroom // apple.com]
6️⃣ I’ll plug Apple News Today as a news source that I’ve found really valuable over the past few years. Short, to the point, fair, and with great interviews. It’s been especially on-point with recent election coverage. 7-10 minutes every weekday morning. [Link - Apple News Today // pods.link]
7️⃣ Seth Avett (of the Avett Brothers) has a new solo album out. It’s the just the right calming, centered music I needed this week. [Link - Seth Avett Sings Greg Brown // album.link]
*I was extra busy this weekend climbing down at the Red River Gorge, and couldn’t get the issue out. And then was extra busy catching up with life after getting back. So here are an extra 7 Things (which are some of the routes I lead climbed in the Red) This Week:
1️⃣ Caver’s Route (5.4, 4 pitches)
2️⃣ Vision (5.7)
4️⃣ Cruisin’ for a Bruisin’ (5.10d)
5️⃣ Glory and Consequence (5.7+)
7️⃣ Bedtime for Bonzo (5.6, 2 pitches)
Thanks for reading 7 Things. If you enjoyed these links or have something neat to share, please let me know.